Saturday, October 22, 2011

Unamerican Activity

I am enrolled in a very odd institution. The University of Paris 8 Vincennes-St. Denis (lovingly referred to as Paris 8) has a very muddled and radical history. Birthed out of the student revolts of May 1968, Paris 8 became a university known for its untraditional pedagogical methods and lack of a grading system. They have evolved since the 1960’s and now, unfortunately, give grades to their students. A social stigma surrounds the institution on the whole. I was speaking to my friend’s host mother, who works at a university in Paris. Her review of Paris 8 was “it’s not very good...too leftist.” French elitism rears its ugly head when one mentions St. Denis, the suburb in which the school is situated. The outskirts of Paris are referred to as the banlieue, a generally derogatory term with the implications of the English term “ghetto.” In American political-correctness, one would say of Paris 8: “It’s so...DIVERSE. Mulitcultural and non-traditional.” I would estimate that a good 30% of the female student population wear hijabs in accordance with their Muslim faith, and probably another 35% of all students are of African descent. The ethnic diversity once again confirms the fact that not all Parisians are French. Apart from America, France has the highest population of immigrants in the world. When walking through the halls of Paris 8 (which looks a bit like a run-down and overgrown high school), one sees countless posters for the Union des Jeunes Communistes (you guessed it, the Young Communist Club). I daren’t breath the dirty “C-word” in the presence of my classmates....CAPITALISM! The bathrooms are also a strong indicator of the social climate. The featured graffiti include a swastika, a message against “religious racism,” a slogan about domesticating men, and the phrase “let the girl love a miscreant.” Hence, neo-Nazism, tolerance, militant feminism, and I won’t even pretend to know what the last one means. And while on the topic of bathrooms, I must mention that I don’t think they have had soap since the 1970’s. Dilemma. During class I chant my new mantra...Don’t put your dirty hands near your face. Don’t put your fingers in your mouth. 
Nevertheless, I am enjoying my classes, my professors, and my classmates. I like a good change of scenery every now and then. And a good bit of radicalism.

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