Thursday, October 13, 2011

Norman Invasion

I’m a failed blogeuse. If I were getting paid for this whole consistency blog thing, I would get fired. Life has been busy and lovely, per Paris usual. I went to Normandy last weekend on a retreat with the American Church in Paris, and we focused on Sabbath rest in our times of community and with the speaker who lead us (whose book was forwarded by his FRIEND, Henri Nouwen...starstruck). He was 80, and when he saw me writing down my prayers (I’m an ADD pray-er) later, he thought I was writing a book. Such a cutie. WISE and cute. Unfortunately married. Anyways, it was so great getting to know some of those friends better, and to take time to be still and rest in God’s presence without feeling guilt about being unproductive. Learning to be at peace is a struggle, and I will have to continue working at it. It was such a restful weekend on the windy beach in Houlgate! My new project is to try to be a place of rest for others. I don’t want to stress the people around me the way that I stress myself. I have been thinking extensively about the difference between “l’abri” (shelter) and “à l’abri” (at peace/without worry). I want to be both.
I also saw the American film Into the Wild (2007) over the weekend. I hadn’t seen it yet, and literally cried so hard that I had to sob into a pillow. Please go rent it right now if you haven’t seen it. It’s a beautiful portrait of independence, denile, stubborness, idealism, and revelation. The screenplay is also poetic. Just watch it. 

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