Monday, November 14, 2011

A Few Of My Favorite Things (Okay, I'm really in the mood to see the Sound of Music)

Almost every morning I walk by this lovely flower shop called Veronique Miss. I don’t know how it happens, but I always seem to be passing while one of the young ladies who works there is dragging out pots of heinously-priced and highly-aesthetic miniature arboretums and flora. They also put out a classy, iron parakeet cage fully equipped with a noisy, live bird. It sounds like an underdeveloped pterodactyl, and I can’t help wondering why they are trying to sell the poor dear at a flower shop. Nevertheless, it’s in these simple moments of little consequence when I realize how much I appreciate beauty around me. Another example, from the metro (where some of the best people-watching occurs): the other day I saw an elderly man helping his wife (rare, I know, but they were wearing rings) who evidently had some difficulty walking. Her illness may have been related to her back, seeing as she was crouched over, almost in half, and could not straighten her spine. Her husband’s patience and protection were incredible. It was as though he wanted nothing more than for her to be comfortable, despite the fact that she was apparently in agony. Looking at him as he took care of her and guided her off and on the metro and up the numerous stairs was another reminder of the beauty in creation around me. Flowers are lovely, and people can be even lovelier. 

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