Saturday, September 10, 2011

Chez Moi

I have been bitten by the French bug. No really, I think it was a mosquito. The other night I slept with my window open and awoke at 4 am to something buzzing. This is quite remarkable seeing that I sleep with a pillow over my head. I found four bites. They itch, I scratch. Outside of the window, you can see the other windows of the neighboring apartment complex. You can hear everything. In the morning, children scream, painters work on the same room for the third day in a row, and classical music leaps across from window to window. When I sneeze, my neighbors hear the echo. There’s a netting-like cover over the access to the sky. I assume that it keeps birds out. I’m a bit perturbed that it doesn’t keep the insects out. One of my neighbors has a chicken hanging Christmas Carol-style in the window. I think it’s fake. I hope it’s fake. They also have a disco ball that emits pink light. Meeting them would probably change my life. When I’m at home, I have to wear a pair of slippers that aren’t mine so I don’t get splinters from the old wood floor. They are probably a size 6. I’m a size 10. They are so small that they  insist on going pidgeon-toed. I am also too tall for my bed. I’m not really that tall at all. I have come to France and become a pigeon-toed giant. 

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